EyeDefender operates under the same principle as many eye relief web apps – break reminders – but being a desktop app, it’s harder to get away from.
The app sits in your tray, and counts down to the next break. When the time comes, you can choose from four different eye-resting activities: looking at pictures of your choosing, doing some eye exercises, activate the default screensaver or just pop up a balloon reminder (for those with excellent will power).
I find the visual training to be especially useful. The screen darkens, and you get to follow the display with your eyes and move your eyes around a bit. This works even on dual monitors, and you cannot get back to work until the break is over. A definite improvement to the constant staring at a bright screen.
Workrave is a nice open-source break reminder which includes reminders for micro-breaks (short), rest breaks (long) and daily limits for computer time.
You can set the breaks any way you want, and choose whether you want to have the option to skip or postpone the break. The break is simply a window letting you know of the break, but when it’s activated, you can’t use your computer until the break is over (or until you choose to skip or postpone).
During the breaks, you can get up from the computer, look away, or do some exercises the app provides in its interface.
f.lux [Windows, Mac & Linux]
If you want to relieve computer eye strain even while you work, f.lux is an excellent solution. This well-known app automatically adapts your screen brightness to the time of day, thus preventing the eye strain which comes with staring at a very bright screen in a dark room.
All you have to do is set your current location, and f.lux will automatically determine what time the sun sets and will dim your display at the right moment every day. If you’re doing color-sensitive work, you can disable f.lux for one hour. This is a great way to relieve eye-strain between your resting breaks.
Sunglasses [Chrome]
Sunglasses is a cute Chrome extension which lets you control the browser’s brightness separately from the rest of your computer.
Say you’re reading a lengthy article in Chrome, and at some point find the whole thing to be way too bright. Simply click the sunglasses icon on the top right, choose your new brightness and click save. You can now continue reading or working in a much darker and more soothing environment. This controls only your browser, so the general brightness settings will not be touched.
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